I had opened a tin on
February 2008, and opened the second one on May 2009. So, I will write for this
second trial of this blend. It contains Latakia, Virginia and Oriental, and it
hasn’t lost any of its moisture and quality. A classic light English, with no
character, however. It doesn’t have something extra in its taste in order to
make you passionate. It has no tongue bite what so ever, OK, it does not
provide that additional pleasure you seek in special moments. I consider it an
all day smoke, but just that. Virginia and Oriental clearly prevail, while
Latakia is almost imperceptible.
Βαρύς 2/5Γεύση: 3/5
Άρωμα: 3/5
Άρωμα στο δωμάτιο: 2/5
Βήχας με Πρώτη Πρωϊνή Ρουφηξιά: 5/5
(5/5 σημαίνει καθόλου
1/5 σημαίνει πολύς βήχας)